Disney Part One:
As many of you probably already know from Instagram and Facebook, last week the mister and I headed to Orlando, Florida for my FIRST trip to Disney World. It was a birthday/graduation present from my amazing husband. When I was working on finishing my master's degree, Wade asked me what I wanted to do to celebrate the completion of my graduate program. Of course, I said "Go to Disney." He laughed but I was totally serious...
We stayed at the Caribbean Resort in a pirate themed room. I was quite enthused with it so I had to share it. It made the trip that much more magical...
Naturally, this princess had to celebrate her birthday in the presence of other princesses. So Magic Kingdom it was for our first full day in Disney. Since I've always been a fan of Disney Princesses, seeing Cinderella's castle for the first time was just as thrilling as watching the movie as a child. If the boys I was with wouldn't have looked at me like I was completely crazy, I would have skipped, twirled, and giggled all the way down the street.
I really had the most magical birthday. I woke up on a Pirate's ship in the most magical place on earth with my Prince Charming! I saved this picture to make sure it wasn't a dream!
...Disney's Magic Kingdom even had a celebration! All the cool kids were there...
The only ride I insisted on was the Magic Tea Cups. I was pretty certain I was going to have to ride in the pink tea cup by myself . Luckily for me, both my husband and his friend were such gentlemen and gladly accompanied me. I'm pretty confident if it hadn't been my birthday they would have made more of a fuss. I'm so thrilled that they joined me because it was by far one of my favorite memories of the entire trip. Two grown men laughing like little girls in a pink tea cup=PRICELESS! (And I have pictures to prove it!)
After all of the excitement of Magic Kingdom, the birthday celebrations, and the hundreds of spins in a pink tea cup, we had dinner at the most amazing restaurant with a spectacular view of the fireworks display...
Yes, It was a fantastic day. I had the ultimate Disney Princess birthday at age 27 and I totally fine with it!
Happy Friday!!!
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